Nepremičnino sestavlja več zemljišč različnih namembnosti v Zgornjih Gameljnah:
- sklop 1 (parcele 1749-255/1, 1749-255/2, 1749-255/3):: zemljišče za stanovanjsko gradnjo 7.753 m2 - 1.400.000 EUR
- sklop 3 (parcele 1749-301/0 (lastniški delež 2509/10177) in 1749-302/0): kmetijsko in gozdno zemljišče 2.988 m2 - 29.880 EUR
- sklop 5 (parcela 1749-304/2): zemljišče za stanovanjsko gradnjo 2.288 m2 - 485.000 EUR
V ceno ni vključen pripadajoči davek.
Del stavbnega zemljišča se nahaja za staro tovarno Rašice. Ostala zemljišča so zahodno oz. severo-zahodno.
Zemljišča ne predstavljajo zaključene celote. Za območje je predvideno sprejetje OPPN. Možen je nakup posameznih sklopov.
Izkoristite priložnost za investicijo v stavbna in kmetijska zemljišča v naselju Zgornje Gameljne.
Nepremičnine predstavljajo sklop petih zemljišč v skupni izmeri 13.029 m2. Dva sklopa v skupni izmeri 10.041 m2 sta namenjena za stanovanjsko gradnjo in za katerega je predviden sprejem OPPN Velike Gameljne. OPPN predvideva gradnjo eno in dvostanovanjskih stavb. Faktor zazidanosti 40%, višina objektov do 11m. Ostala zemljišča so po namembnosti kmetijska zemljišča. Možna je prodaja po posameznih sklopih.
Idealno razmerje med neokrnjeno naravo in urbanim udobjem
- Zemljišče ima zaradi vseh svojih značilnosti visok tržni potencial. Obkroženo s travniki in gozdovi leži zgolj lučaj od avtocestnega priključka Šmartno, v naselju Zgornje Gameljne.
- Zgornje Gameljne, kjer se nahajajo nepremičnine, so idealne za vse, ki prisegajo na pravo razmerje med mestnim življenjem in bližino narave.
- Neposredno okolico zemljišča pa predstavlja čudovita narava, ki ustvarja miren ambient in nudi številne možnosti za oddih ter rekreacijo (Šmarna gora, Grmada, Rašiški hrib,…).
Ljubljana - ena najhitreje razvijajočih se evropskih prestolnic
Ljubljana je glavno in največje mesto Slovenije, s skoraj 300.000 prebivalci. Prepoznavna je zaradi svoje bogate zgodovine, živahnega mestnega utripa, odličnega razmerja med urbanimi in zelenimi površinami ter visokega življenjskega standarda. V zadnjih nekaj letih postala zelo priljubljena turistična destinacija. V Ljubljani deluje več kot 40.000 podjetij, ki ustvarijo več kot 25% slovenskega BDP-ja. Izobraženost prebivalstva, zaposlitveni potencial, višina povprečne plače in razvojne možnosti so precej nad slovenskim povprečjem. Mesto ima izjemno strateško lego. Leži na presečišču glavnih tranzicijskih poti, ki povezujejo severno in zahodno Evropo z vzhodno Evropo in Balkanom. (vir:,
V kolikor se zanimate za nakup vas pozivamo, da nam na priloženem obrazcu pošljete vašo nezavezujočo ponudbo ali pa se obrnete na kontaktno osebo. Vsako ponudbo bomo obravnavali posebej in vas bomo o naši odločitvi obvestili v najkrajšem možnem času.
Stranke obveščamo, da si DSU pridržuje pravico, da v postopku prodaje ne izbere nobenega ponudnika oz. z nobenim ponudnikom ni dolžan skleniti prodajne pogodbe za pogodbeni predmet ali stopiti v kakršnokoli drugo pravno razmerje, četudi je ponudba enaka višini informativne (prodajne) cene ali višja. Prav tako ima DSU možnost za prodajo pogodbenega predmeta razpisati javno dražbo, e-dražbo, objaviti razpis za zbiranje zavezujočih ponudb ali s ponudniki, ki oddajo enako ponudbo, izvesti dodatna pogajanja.
Več informacij je na voljo na povezavi
Prodajalec bo končno ponujeno neto ceno nepremičnin, ki so obdavčene z DPN, sam pa jih je pridobil v sistemu DDV, povišal za popravek odbitka vstopnega DDV, ki bo nastal ob realizaciji prodaje izven sistema DDV tistim kupcem, ki nimajo pravice do odbitka celotnega vstopnega DDV, v skladu s 45. členom ZDDV-1.
The real estate consists of several plots of different purpose in the Upper Gameljne:
- lot 1 (plots 1749-255 / 1, 1749-255 / 2, 1749-255 / 3) :: land for residential construction 7,753 m2 - 1,400.000 EUR
- lot 3 (plots 1749-301 / 0 (ownership share 2509/10177) and 1749-302 / 0): agricultural and forest land 2,988 m2 - 29,880 EUR
- lot 5 (plot 1749-304 / 2): land for residential construction 2,288 m2 - 485,000 EUR
Part of the building land is located behind the old factory Rasica. The rest of the land is west or north-west.
Land does not constitute a complete whole.
Adoption of the OPPN is prevalent for the area. It is possible to purchase individual lots.
Take this opportunity to invest in one of the most attractive land plots in Ljubljana suitable for residential development or use in agriculture
The real estate assets entail a set of five land plots with a total surface area of 13,029 m2. Two sets of plots with a total floor area of 10,041 m2 are intended for residential development, and a Municipal Detailed Zoning Plan is pending for the Velike Gameljne area. Under the Municipal Detailed Zoning Plan, the area is zoned for either a detached or semi-detached residential development. Building factor 40%, height of buildings up to 11m. Other land plots are zoned as agricultural plots. The properties are available for sale as individual units.
Ideal balance between unspoiled nature and urban comforts
- All of its features give this land high market potential. Surrounded by meadows and forests, it lies just a stone’s throw from the Šmartno motorway exit, in the Zgornje Gameljne area.
- Zgornje Gameljne, where the properties are located, is an ideal spot for all those seeking the right balance between urban living and being close to nature.
- There is wonderful nature in the immediate surroundings, which creates a peaceful ambience and offers numerous opportunities for relaxation and recreation (Šmarna gora, Grmada, Rašiški hrib, etc.).
Ljubljana is one of the fastest-growing European capitals
Ljubljana is the capital and Slovenia’s largest city with a population of nearly 300,000. It is particularly known for its rich history, its lively city bustle, its excellent mix of urban and green zones, and a high standard of living. In recent years, Ljubljana has become a popular tourist destination. The city hosts over 40,000 companies, which generate over 25% of Slovenia’s GDP. It also has many high-profile academic, research and cultural institutions. The level of education, employment potential, average salaries and development options are significantly higher than the Slovenian average. Ljubljana has an excellent strategic position. It sits at the junction of main transit corridors connecting Northern and Western Europe to Eastern Europe and the Balkan region. (source:,
If you are interested in buying a property, we kindly request you submit your indicative offer or contacting the relevant contact person. All offers will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and you will be informed about our decision as soon as possible.
DSU informs customers that it reserves the right to not select any bidder in the sales process, i.e. it is not obliged to conclude a sales agreement with any bidder for the subject of an agreement or enter into any other legal relationship, even if a bid is equal to the informative (selling) price or higher. For the sale of the subject of an agreement, the DSU may also announce a public or electronic auction, publish a call for the submission of binding bids or conduct additional negotiations with bidders who submit similar bids. Additional information is available at the link below:
A seller will increase its final net price, which has been set for a property taxed by a real estate transfer tax and acquired by the seller under the VAT system, by an adjustment for the deduction of the input VAT which will arise when making the sale outside the VAT system to those buyers who are not entitled to deduct the full amount of the input VAT in accordance with Article 45 of the Value Added Tax (ZDDV-1).
D.S.U., družba za svetovanje in upravljanje, d.o.o.
In der Umgebung
- Osnovna šola Šmartno pod Šmarno goro 1,0 km
- Osnovna šola Vižmarje - Brod 2,8 km
- Lekarna Brod 3,1 km
- BANKA SPARKASSE d.d. 3,6 km
- ZD Ljubljana - ŠENTVID 3,9 km
- Osnovna šola Šentvid 3,9 km
- Gimnazija Šentvid 4,0 km
- Lekarna Črnuče 4,0 km
- Zavod sv. Stanislava, Osnovna šola Alojzija Šuštarja 4,0 km
- Lekarna Šentvid 4,1 km