Prodamo atraktivno veleposest s pogledom na Izolo in koprski zaliv. Posest sestoji večinsko iz kmetijski površin ter manjšega dela v izmeri 1039m2, ki je zazidljiv. Na tem delu stoji starejši kmetijski objekt in bivalni prizidek v skupni izmeri 327,4m2. Posest ima enkratno lego in je orientirana na jug in jugozahod ter predstavlja pravo redkost v smislu zemljišč in posesti na slovenski obali. Posest ima bogato zgodovino in je večinoma časa služila kot nasad breskev. Posest je primerna tako za lastno uporabo, kmetijsko uporabo ail pa kot investicija za nakoga z dobro poslovno idejo, ki bi združila naravno danost s turizmom ali podobno dejavnostjo. Na voljo takoj!
Pogoj prodajalca je, da kupec prevzme plačilo davka na promet nepremičnin v znesku 2% od pogodbene cene.
Kupec ne plača provizije in ne nosi stroškov posredniških storitev.
Attractive mansion with farm land with a view of Izola and the Bay of Koper for sale. Property consists mostly of agricultural land and a smaller part measuring 1039m2, which can be built on. There is an older agricultural building and a residential building with a total size of 327.4m2 on afore mentioned part of land. Property has a unique location and is oriented to the south and southwest and represents a true rarity in terms of land and property on the Slovenian coast. Property has a rich history and was mostly used as a peach orchard. roperty is suitable for personal use, agricultural use and/or as an investment for someone with a good business idea that would combine natural resources with tourism or a similar activity. Available immediately!
Condition of the seller is that the buyer undertakes the payment of real estate sales tax in the amount of 2% of the contract price.
Buyer does not pay commission and does not bear the costs of agency services.
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