DOBRNA - LEMBERG pri Novi cerkvi - Južna lega ,zazidljivo zemljišče
Prodamo zemljišče v velikosti 3.500m2 za gradnjo manjše hiše K+P+1+M. Zemljišče se nahaja na Južni strani, cca 100m nad cesto katera pelje do Dobrne.
Zemljišče ima sončno lego in je vredna nakupa, oziroma primerna za investicijo.
Ob zemljišču poteka vodovod ter elektrika.
Zemljišče parcelne številke: 230/4 in 230/2 k.o.LEMBERG
stranke si navedeno zemljišče lahko ogledate tudi sami, saj je zemljišče delno očiščeno s strani od ceste do dela , kjer je namenjeno zidavi.
Ob parceli je vsa infrastruktura.
Za vse informacije pokličite 031 670 395
Ponudbo lahko pošljete na
UGODNO PRODAMO najboljšemu ponudniku.
To je lastna nepremičnina.
DOBRNA - LEMBERG near New church - South location
we are selling a plot of land measuring 3,500 m2 for the construction of a small house of 50 m2 in floor plan K+P+1 or M, defined as residential buildings - weekend. The land is located approx. 100m above the road leading to Dobrna, on the south side, so
that it is sunny and worth buying, or suitable for investment.
Land plot numbers: 230/4 and 230/2 koLEMBERG
customers can also see the mentioned land themselves, as the land is partially cleared from the side of the road to the part where construction would take place.
All the infrastructure is next to the plot.
For all information, call 031 670 395
You can send the offer to